Welcome, we’re glad to have you!

I’m new to Stittsville United.

Coming to a new church for the first time can be a bit intimidating.   At SUC we understand that and want you to feel as comfortable, welcome, and well-prepared as possible.   Here is some information that may help.

Directions to Stittsville United Church?

We are located on the northwest corner of the intersection of Stittsville Main Street and Fernbank Road.  Our church sign is in the corner of our cemetery at that intersection, and when you turn onto Fernbank Road heading west.  You will see the church and parking lot on your right side.   We have plenty of parking and several accessible parking spaces located near the entrances.

If you are travelling by OC Transpo, there are bus stops on Stittsville Main Street just north of the intersection and Sunday service is provided on Route 61.  Check the OC Transpo web site for the schedule.


What time should I arrive on Sunday morning?

On Sunday mornings we gather at 10:00 am.  The doors open by 9:00 am and the choir has a short rehearsal before the service. Announcements and pictures of congregation events are displayed on the large projection screen in the sanctuary starting at 9:30 am.  Most people arrive between 9:30-10:00 am. Music to prepare for worship is offered starting at 9:55 am.  People normally engage in conversation before the service and it is a time to informally say hello to new people and catch up with friends.

How do I enter the building?

There is a ground-level entrance adjacent to the parking lot with an automatic door opener which leads into a small foyer.  In this foyer there is usually someone to greet you, and there is a video monitor indicating how to get to the various rooms for the activities happening in the building on that particular day.  The offices, sanctuary, Upper Room (where many meetings are held), two washrooms and a cloakroom are located up the short staircase to the left as you enter.  Our Lower Hall, kitchen, Comfort Corner, nursery, youth room, other meeting rooms and two more washrooms are down the short staircase to your left as you enter.  To the right of the foyer there is a lift/elevator which allows for accessibility to all rooms on the upper and lower floors of the church, and normally there is someone to assist with the operation of the life.

Is the building accessible?

There is also an entrance with two large wooden doors facing Fernbank Road which is at the top of an outside staircase.  Through the doors there is another set of stairs leading up to a coatroom area and the sanctuary.   There are greeters just inside the doors to the sanctuary.  Our sanctuary has cushioned pews and an area at the front on each side has seating suitable for those with wheelchairs, walkers or strollers.

What are the options for me and my family on Sunday morning?

Everyone meets together upstairs in the sanctuary at 10:00 am.  Some Sundays everyone will remain in the sanctuary for multigenerational worship.   Most Sundays after about ten minutes of gathering, music, and prayer there is a story or conversation focused on a theme for our time together.  Activities, especially geared to children is also offered downstairs.

What is the worship service like?

Many have described our worship environment as friendly and casual.  There is usually a “buzz” of informal conversation before the service and an opportunity to share in refreshments and fellowship following worship.  Most of our service materials, including hymns, spoken prayers, etc., are projected onto a large screen at the front of the sanctuary.  We also provide printed bulletins, hymn books and bibles for people who prefer to participate by using materials they can hold in their hands.  There is normally a message or sermon which lasts about 15 minutes and is based on the scripture readings for the day.  Occasionally our services include dramatic monologues or presentations.  We celebrate the sacrament Communion, usually on the first Sunday of the month and everyone is welcome to participate.  When requested, we also celebrate baptism as we welcome people into our family of faith.  (For more information about Communion and Baptism, please see the following links:  )

Our Adult Choir of about 15 members usually provides leadership in our worship services by leading the hymns, and offering an anthem.  Our singing is usually accompanied by organ or piano, and occasionally guitars, drums and other instruments.

Special worship services are offered during the Lent, Advent and Christmas seasons.  We also have an annual Cemetery Service held at 2:30 pm on the fourth Sunday of June. We also offer celebrations of Baptism and Communion on some Sundays.

What is Multigenerational Worship?

Several times a year our 10:00 am worship services are multigenerational, with people of all ages remaining in the sanctuary.  These services usually involve drama, conversation, crafts and other activities rather than a traditional “sermon.”  Usually children are invited to gather at the front of the sanctuary and directly participate in hands-on worship activities.  Sometimes we project images of what the children are doing on our screen so that everyone can see their involvement.

Is there any expectation about how to dress?

We encourage you to dress in the way you feel comfortable.  The majority of people dress casually, some wearing a t-shirt and jeans (or shorts in the summer).  Others prefer to “dress up” and wear a dress or suit and tie.

Do I have to have certain beliefs to attend?

Our congregation is strongly rooted in the Christian tradition and is pretty typical of a congregation of the United Church.  People who attend Stittsville United have a broad range of beliefs, faith backgrounds and understandings of spirituality.  Some gather primarily for the sense of community here, others come to explore issues of faith, others are seeking a source of support, while others are wrestling with some of life’s more challenging questions.  Whatever the reasons people may choose to come, we hope that everyone feels they can find a place of welcome and acceptance.

How can I make a donation to the church?

During the Sunday morning worship service offering plates are passed whereby people can make a donation to the church with cash or cheque.  Guest envelopes are available in the pews and at the back of the sanctuary for those who wish to receive a charitable donation receipt for tax purposes.  Those who contribute on a regular basis may choose to use weekly envelopes which can be provided, or to sign up for pre-authorized remittance through their financial institution.  (We also have a donation link on our web site through which donations can be made by credit card through a not-for profit organization called Canada Helps.)  Our annual operating budget is about $200,000 and all of the income we require to meet our budget comes through donations and some fundraising events.  We are grateful to everyone who financially supports our congregation.

Any further questions please let us know by contacting us

Are you new to Canada and to Stittsville?  Welcome to the community and click here for resources to help you locally.
